Chinese Pinyin
Chinese Pinyin

Pinyin learning courses for children aged 3. The abstract pinyin symbols are evolved into concrete and perceptible pinyin building blocks, so that children can spell and listen to the pronunciation, summarize the rules of spelling in the exploration, and independently spell and recognize Chinese characters.


This course bag needs to be used with the Rice Elephant TANGO learning machine. It will be delivered within 48 hours after purchase,
If you already own the Mixiang TANGO learning machine, you can purchase the expansion course package separately, and the supporting software can be installed and upgraded through theDownload Center.

Phonetic learning courses specially designed for children aged 3-6

Phonetic building blocks that can speak, learning Pinyin is no longer boring

  • 48
    Subject Course
  • 40
    Phonetic Nursery Rhymes
  • 500
    Challenge games
  • 1000
    Spelling training
*According to the Chinese Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education
  • Systematization of curriculum, step by step


    Learning content

    Learning objectives

    Lesson 1


    Know the tone symbols and correct pronunciation.

    Simple final

    Know the pronunciation of four tones of simple final and simple final.

    Lesson 2

    Learning consonants

    Know the initial consonants and their pronunciation.

    Lessons 3-15

    Spelling training

    Learn the spelling rules of initials and simple final

    Lessons 16-25

    Learn Chinese characters

    Learn Chinese characters spelled by initials and simple final

    Lessons 16-25

    ai ei ui

    Recognize the pronunciation of compound vowels and the four tones of compound vowels.

    Lesson 29-31

    Learn nasal rhyme

    Recognize the pronunciation of nasal vowels and the four tones of nasal vowels.

    Lessons 32-48

    Learn words

    Learn the initials, compound vowels and nasal vowels of Chinese characters and words.

    Systematization of curriculum, step by step
  • Complete four tone spelling, which tone can't be spelt


    Single spell, double spell and three spell can all spell four tones

    m+ā→mā      m+á→má   

    m+ǎ→mǎ      m+à→mà   

    Complete four tone spelling, which tone can't be spelt
  • Sing children's songs and easily remember knowledge points

    The cock with round mouth crows, 
    ō ó ǒ ò
    Get up in the morning and follow the rooster,
    ō ó ǒ ò
    Follow the cock o
    ō ó ǒ ò ō ó ǒ ò

    Sing children's songs and easily remember knowledge points
Extended application of words and sentences
Free double spelling, triple spelling and word formation

Extended application of words and sentences
  • Spelling

    Spelling - Chinese Characters - Words - Sentences



  • Double spell

    h+ǎo→hǎo 好


  • Three combinations

    t+i+ān 天


  • Word formation

    ní hǎo 你好
