Customer Voice | 2022-09-30
Mother's English Enlightening Family Companion

As a "English learning slag"😭

I am not confident in my English pronunciation all the time

😱Stop lecturing the children

I'm too embarrassed to speak😶

The children's English enlightenment depends on me, which is definitely not good


But on the way of children's English enlightenment

I dare not be careless at all!


👶Listen to English nursery rhymes while holding them in your arms

When I grew up, I began to watch English cartoons👏

Now it is even more like an English picture book and a pen


Until I met this🔥Natural spelling learning machine

I finally got rid of "buy buy"🌟


🔎Mixiang TANGO Early Childhood Education Learning Machine

Don't underestimate it without an electronic screen

👍The electronic learning machine is as effective as four or five thousand!


The main feature of this learning machine "Building block teaching method"

Put the building block on the infrared induction screen and it will make a sound

Focus here❗❗❗

It doesn't tell you how to pronounce a 26 letter name (I can read this too!)

It gives out the natural spelling pronunciation of letters

That is, the pronunciation when the letter is in the word


Any combination of several letters

😲The learning machine can also spell one by one according to the rules


😭Completely saved my mother, who is a "English scum"

When the child asked me how to read the picture book

🙅No more awkward looking up dictionaries with your mobile phone

It can be easily solved by saying "Go to TANGO and spell it out"👏👏👏


0 Basic mothers can also easily help their children with English enlightenment at home🙌, definitely the first baby on the "provincial mother" list in my shopping list!